Truly, it's not the destination but the journey. Just wanted to share some pretty awesome sights that I saw on our way to the top of Mt. Timbak. I am not a professional photographer and not quite technical on my photos. I'd appreciate comments and suggestions. Please be nice lol. Here goes nothing :)

I found this cool link that I just wanted to share with you guys. "You guys.." That's so coñotic. Harhar. Anyway, I was just searching for an estimated taxi fare from Mango Avenue in Cebu City to Tops and I came across this site. There's a Taxi Fare Calculator and all other sorts of stuff that more or less will give you an estimate of how much money you're gonna need to basically survive in that area. This is not a sponsored post. I don't have sponsors.. YET. Lol.. I am just too easily amused. Hehe I love the Internet! ^_^

Here's the link kiddos


    “For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.”  

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    I highly encourage solo travels. Why? Find out HERE. :)


    November 2012
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